2017-2018 SMHA Rep Tryout Process, News (Shelburne Minor Hockey)

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Aug 18, 2017 | Andrea Carson-Pedri | 1548 views
2017-2018 SMHA Rep Tryout Process
The 2017-2018 hockey season is quickly approaching and here is our representative team tryout information.

Tryout fees:  $15/tryout, payable before each tryout.    

**Please note that ALL registration, fundraising and tryout fees must be paid prior to a player stepping on the ice.


o   Tryouts will consist of 3 on ice sessions;

o   No cuts will be made until after the second tryout;

o   Team Selection will occur after the 3rd session


o   Tryouts will consist of 1 Body Checking Clinic and 3 additional on-ice sessions;

o   Body Checking Clinic (1st skate) is mandatory;

o   No cuts will be made until after the Body Checking Clinic and first 2 tryouts;

o   Team Selection will occur after the 4th session (body contact clinic and 3 tryouts).

All players must attend a minimum of one of the first two sessions (Novice-Peewee) and 2 of the first 3 sessions (Bantam/Midget)

**Except in the event of extenuating circumstances which must be approved by the Coach in Chief and SMHA Board of Directors.

**Should an AE (Additional Entry) Rep team be fielded in any division, a player must tryout and be released by the Rep team to be eligible to tryout for AE.

Players will be evaluated by the team's Head Coach as well as 2 other non-parent/team affiliated evaluators (which can include: Coach in Chief and/or a third party selected by the Head Coach and approved by the Coach in Chief and/or SMHA Board of Directors).

Player selection will be based on (but not limited too):

-      Player attitude, effort and commitment

-      Past Performance/Experience

-      Merit (skill & ability)

-      Try-out evaluation

-      Team Tactics

**Team selection will be made by the Head Coach (Co-Coach where applicable) and final selection must be approved by the Coach in Chief and/or the OMHA Director.

*upon completion of the third session (Novice to Peewee) or 4th session (Bantam & Midget), Head Coaches will notify all players by written letter if they are being offered a position on the Rep team.  
*In the event that the Head Coach has not reached a decision at the conclusion of tryouts, the players will be notified by phone within 24 hours.
*Coaches shall submit their full roster to the OMHA Director within 48 hours of completion of the final session.

Players are eligible to try 2017-18 out for a Rep team that is 1 level higher than their current age group:

o   Tyke aged (2010 birthday only) player can tryout for Novice Rep

o   Novice aged player can tryout for Atom Rep

o   Atom aged player can tryout for Peewee Rep

o   Peewee aged player can tryout for Bantam Rep

o   Bantam aged player can tryout for Midget Rep

Please note any of the above items may waived by SMHA executive due to operational requirements in the best interests of the association.



Good Luck to all players trying out!!
