Organization | Sep 26, 2019 | Andrea Carson-Pedri | 34414 views
Mandatory Rowan's Law Acknowledgement
Ontario Hockey Federation Rowan’s Law
The Ontario Government has enacted Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety), 2018, S.O. 2018, c. 1(“Act”). to create awareness of concussion, change the culture on concussion and provide safe sport participation. Part of the act requires all sport organizations to have a Concussion Code of Conduct which must require participants to review the Ontario Government’s issued Concussion Awareness Resources on an annual basis.
A participant is subject to a Concussion Code of Conduct for each Sport's Organization they register with.ALL SMHA participants must review the age appropriate resource material. This includes players, bench staff and parents.
Please review the appropriate resource material for all of your children to ensure compliance. Once completed please fill in the online acknowledgment. For those that wish to retain a copy of the form for themselves you can click on the Rowans Law PDF Form and print the form for yourself. Please note you must still fill out the online acknowledgement and submit electronically.
You must complete an online acknowledgement for each player registered by Friday October 4, 2019, players under the age of 18, must have a parent/guardian complete one as well.
Please note this is mandatory to meet eligibility requirements to play and is subject to audit by OHF. Non-compliance will result in player suspension until it has been completed.
All information can be found under the "Rowan's Law" Tab.