SMHA U7, U8 and U9 Evaluation Skate, News (Shelburne Minor Hockey)

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Oct 09, 2021 | Andrea Carson-Pedri | 782 views
SMHA U7, U8 and U9 Evaluation Skate
It is the goal of Shelburne Minor Hockey to foster the same long-term development goals for our younger age groups as outlined by Hockey Canada by providing programming where each player is placed into competitive situations that suit their skill level and abilities. It is with this in mind that we developed our current evaluation process for our U7, U8 and U9 players. (Players born between 2013-2016)

Players in these 3 divisions are invited to attend our Evaluation skate Saturday October 16th from 10:00-11:20am

During the evaluation players will participate in various activities and drills where our team of evaluators and on ice coaches assess each player’s abilities and make recommendations accordingly.

The on-ice coaches or evaluators may see merit in moving a player to another group based on the player’s ability, focus, or understanding of the activities being demonstrated in their age group. Once a player has been moved, they will continue to be assessed to see how they fit in with the new group.

Once the on-ice session is complete the SMHA development committee will review the evaluations and consult the on-ice coaches, and any players that were moved and any recommendations to move players will be discussed individually. Once the committee is in agreement to move the players his/her parent/guardian will be contacted to inform them that based on the evaluation skate their son/daughter has the option to play at their age division or at the division recommended by our development committee.