2021-2022 Programming Update, News (Shelburne Minor Hockey)

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Jul 26, 2021 | Andrea Carson-Pedri | 897 views
2021-2022 Programming Update
Your SMHA executive is diligently working on programming for the 2021/2022 season and is looking forward to getting everyone back on the ice this fall.

What can you expect for this season?
We are patiently awaiting the directive from OMHA for what programming will be allowed to run in the fall, we are really hoping it will be a return to “normal” play. If return to normal play is allowed you can expect a similar rollout as in other years just with a delayed start. What that means is, we would run Rep tryouts for all eligible age groups, which would start in October. After Rep teams have been selected we would complete LL equalization.

If the directive given is to start with a modified season, we would run a very similar program to what we provided last year, having it divided into 2 sessions with the hopes that the 2nd half would be able to run as “normal”.

When will registration be?
Registration will likely be in early September, once we get a clear directive from the OMHA on the type of season we can run we will then open registration for your members. We anticipate it will be mid to late August before an official decision is made, so registration will take place later this year than in previous years. 

What are the registration fees for the 2021/2022 season?
The type of season approved from OMHA will greatly impact the registration fees, at this time no rates have been set as we are still working on planning for both programming platforms. As soon as we finalize fees we will post the information on the SMHA website.

When will more information be posted?
We will continue to post updates as information becomes available so check the SMHA website regularly to get all the latest information.

We thank everyone for their continued support and patience as we embark on another new season.
Your SMHA Executive
