REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN, News (Shelburne Minor Hockey)

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Oct 01, 2020 | Andrea Carson-Pedri | 1983 views
On line registration is now open!  
Please use the link below to be directed to the Hockey Canada Website to register for the first 8-week session.
We are offering 2 options for payment this season either e-transfer or credit card.
(Please note we will not be accepting cash or cheques this season.)

E-transfers can be sent to [email protected] Please be sure to include the first and last names of all players when sending the e-transfer so it can be applied to the correct player(s). For participants paying via e-transfer your registration will not be complete until your payment has been received.

Credit card payments will be subject to a $7 processing charge for each participant you register and pay for. You will need to select the “Credit Card Processing Fee” when completing your registration. If it is not done at the time of check out you will receive an invoice which will have to be paid via e-transfer before your players can begin the season.

Participants who live outside of the Town of Shelburne, Melancthon, Mono and Amaranth Townships will need to select the “CDRC user fee” when completing their registration. If it is not done at the time of check out you will receive an invoice which will have to be paid via e-transfer before your players can begin the season.

All fees must be paid in full before the first session begins or your player(s) will not be permitted on the ice unless you have written permission from SMHA.

During the online registration process, you will be asked to read and sign a waiver. It is absolutely imperative that you read through the entire document prior to completing registration. There is information regarding the expectations and protocols for the season as well as information regarding the season structure and refund policies. A copy of the electronic waiver is available on the website and it is recommended you view it prior to completing your registration. Every participant (and or their Guardian) and person entering the CDRC will also be required to sign paper copies of the COVID Waiver and Policies and Procedures Document.

