Aug 19, 2020 | Andrea Carson-Pedri | 1154 views
Message From SMHA President
The following is a message from SMHA's President regarding the 2020/2021 hockey season.
In response to several enquiries to the SMHA executive committee, we have decided to post this update to try to give our membership some sense of direction for the upcoming hockey season. Due to COVID the 2020/2021 season will be modified in format to adhere to all restrictions and protocols as outlined by Hockey Canada and our public health unit. Hockey this season, and the format by which it will run, will be dependent upon what stage of reopening we are in and the Hockey Guidelines (that are provided on our website). In general, the current plan of the SMHA is a modified hockey program that will include a 3 on 3 house league at all age groups and skill development. Due to the current restrictions there will be no 5 on 5 hockey, no rep league and travel will be limited to centres within our public health unit (if travel is permitted at all). Currently, we are in stage 3b of our re-opening that would allow us to provide a 3 on 3 house league program, in all age groups - but please note - there is the possibility that if there are issues with COVID rates as the stages progress, the province, Hockey Canada and our public health unit could push us back into Stage 2 which would then limit all hockey programs to skill development only. We at the SMHA have no control over the progression or regression of the stages, but our objective will be to create a format/plan that can be run in both Stage 2 and Stage 3. Please find link below to OMHA Return to Hockey updates for further explanation of stages.
Our current target would be to start hockey the week of October 12th and run till February 2021, but these dates are contingent upon further discussions with the CDRC.
Due to some of the potential limitations this season and some families' concerns regarding COVID-19, SMHA has created a survey which will be sent out to our membership in order to assess the level of interest in participating in the 2020/2021 season under the current conditions. Please note that our ability to be able to provide a hockey program will also be contingent upon receiving proper insurance coverage and the CDRC's ability to provide ice.
Further updates regarding the coaching selection process and sign up dates will be provided on September 7th.
Thank you,
Mike Scace
SMHA President