Reminder that Bantam LL Equalization Begins
Tomorrow Night, Wednesday September 18th at 8:00pm.
All Bantam Players please report to the
arena 30 minutes prior to the scheduled ice time be assigned a pinnie colour and
number for the night.Just a reminder there have been changes to our policy regarding team placement requests for the 2019-2020 season. Please see below from our policies and procedures.
Any requests for team placement must be submitted in writing to the Coach in Chief and LL Director prior to the first scheduled equalization ice time. Only reasonable requests made based on the following criteria will be considered:
1)Siblings to be placed on the same team
2)Ride Share- limited to 2 players (ie your player and 1 other player) and cannot be coach specific 3)Previous documented conflict with the team coach and or their child if playing on the team.
Requests will be reviewed and where possible SMHA will do their best to accommodate team placement requests. (Added May/19)