AE Tryouts and LL Equalization, News (Shelburne Minor Hockey)

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Sep 17, 2018 | SMHA | 968 views
AE Tryouts and LL Equalization
Following this week’s REP tryouts,  players will be given an opportunity to tryout for our Additional Entry teams or play at our Local League level.    

This Season, SMHA is pleased to be offering an opportunity for players to tryout for our AE teams in the Atom and Peewee age division. Below you will find the AE tryout schedule along with the Local League practice and equalization schedule. 

Please Note all players trying out for AE teams must have participated in the REP team tryouts.



Sun, Sept 23

4pm - Tyke/Initiation equalization

5pm - Atom AE Tryout

6pm - Peewee AE Tryout


Tues, Sept 25

5:30pm - Novice LL Practice

6:30pm - Bantam LL shared practice

8pm - Midget LL shared practice


Thurs, Sept 27

6pm - Atom AE Tryout

7pm - Peewee AE Tryout

8pm - Bantam LL Equalization Game

9:15pm - Midget LL Equalization Game

