Introducing the 2017-2018 SMHA Board Members, News (Shelburne Minor Hockey)

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May 17, 2017 | SMHA | 1073 views
Introducing the 2017-2018 SMHA Board Members
Following the 2017 SMHA Annual General Meeting (AGM) the following SMHA Executive Positions were received, nominated and voted on.  Please join us in welcoming all new and returning board members for the following positions.

The following were elected positions with 1 year of term remaining:

·        President:  Jonathan Geiring (returning as President)

·        Secretary:  Lora Stone-McComb (returning as Secretary)

·        Coach in Chief:  Rick Wark (returning Board Member, previously Member at Large)

·        Fundraising Director:  Vacant (previously vacant)

·        Member at Large:  Jeremy Prins (New Board Member)

·        Member at Large:  Rebecca Hall (New Board Member)

The following were elected positions with 2 year terms:

·        Treasurer:  Patti Robbins (returning as Treasurer)

·        Vice-President:  Dean Baird (returning as Vice-President)

·        Ice Scheduling Director:  Carrie Alexander (returning as Ice Scheduling Director)

·        Sponsorship Director:  Vacant (previously held by Rob Tomlinson)

·        Local League Director:  Karen Fernandes (returning as LL Director)

·        Prevention Services Director:  Steve Niedzwiecki (returning as Prevention Services Director)

·        Media Director:  Ang Carson-Pedri (returning as Media Director)

SMHA would like to thank ALL returning Board members for their continued contribution as well as, welcoming new Board members Jeremy Prins and Rebecca Hall to the Team!  A special thank you also goes to departing board member Rob Tomlinson for his years of dedication and contribution to Shelburne Minor Hockey.  Please refer to the SMHA website (in the Libraries section) for the Agenda of the 2017 AGM. 
