Oct 25, 2016 | Shelburne Minor Hockey | 840 views
SMHA Selected for the OMHA Goalie Assist Program
SMHA is pleased to announce that it’s application for the “OMHA Goalie Assist
Program” has been reviewed and accepted !
The OMHA Goalie Assist Program (sponsored by CCM Hockey), is an effort to support children who have dreams of becoming a hockey goaltender. Working in conjunction with local minor hockey associations across Ontario, this program provides sets of new hockey goaltending equipment to loan to 5-7 year old players interested in trying the position. The set of goalie equipment will be retained by the SMHA at the conclusion of the hockey season to loan to players in following years.
Our new goalie kit arrived in mid-October and includes: youth pads, blocker, glove, chest protector, stick and a hockey bag.