Jul 07, 2016 | Andrea Carson-Pedri | 1354 views
Orangeville Minor Hockey Annual Equipment Consignment Sale
Orangeville Minor Hockey will be holding it's annual equipment consignment sale at Jungle Oasis Play and Party Centre on the following dates:
Tues Sept 6 10am-9pm
Wed Sept 7 10am-9pm
Thurs Sept 8 10am-9pm
If members of Shelburne Minor Hockey would like to sell equipment on consignment they can drop equipment off at Alder Street Arena on the following dates:
Mon Aug 29 5-9pm
Tues Aug 30 5-9pm
Wed Aug 31 5-9pm
Equipment drop off is located at Alder Street Arena 275 Alder Street at the corner of Riddle Rd.
Consignment Sale is located at Jungle Oasis Play and Party Centre 695 Riddle Rd
NB: The consignment sale is 70/30 split. Families would receive 70% of the sale price with Orangeville Minor Hockey receiving 30%