Mar 05, 2016 | Andrea Carson-Pedri | 1240 views
Coaches VS Coaches Game
As a way of saying “Thank You” to our coaches, the SMHA will
be hosting a Coaches vs Coaches game this Wednesday, March 9th at
7pm at the CDRC. Our SMHA coaches and
bench staff dedicate a lot of time and effort throughout the season to develop
our players both on and off the ice.
This game is one way to show them how much we appreciate all their effort and dedication.
Date: Wednesday March 9th @ CDRC
Time: 7-8:20pm
Wolves 1: Mite/Tyke/Novice/Atom Coaches
Wolves 2: Peewee/Bantam/Midget coaches
3 periods of 20 minutes running time, 2 Referees, a time keeper and music will be provided.
All Coaches, Assistants, Trainers and Managers rostered to a team are eligible to play
Rules: No contact, slap shots permitted.
Please bring a food donations for our local food bank.