May 04, 2015 | Andrea Carson-Pedri | 2388 views
Coaches for 2015/2016 Season
Thank-you to everyone who submitted applications to coach for the 2015/2016 season.
The following coaches have been selected for the 2015/2016 season.
Tyke 1 - Brian Greer
Tyke 2 -Chris Reed
Novice Rep - Chris Pomeroy
Novice LL 1 - Yens Thalenhorst
Atom Rep - Jonathan Geiring
Atom LL 1 -Rick Wark
Atom LL 2 - Rob Fetterly
Peewee Rep - Tom Robbins
Peewee LL 1 - Tony Fernandes
Bantam Rep - Joey McRea
Bantam LL 1 - Vacant
Bantam LL 2 - Vacant
Midget Rep - Mark Earl
Midget AE - Team TBD
Midget LL 1 -Mike deLaat
Midget LL 2 -Shawn Cavey
Applications are still being accepted for all vacant teams. If you have the skills and knowledge to lead and develop your own team we want to hear from you! For more information or to submit your application please contact our Coach in Chief Don McCarthy at [email protected]